Reiki and Dr. Oz
In this article I want to talk about how Reiki and Dr. Oz met.
How did Reiki and Dr. Oz get Introduced?
Reiki and Dr. Oz had an interesting beginning. Much of his education about Reiki most likely came from his wife Lisa, who is a Reiki Master. Lisa grew up with a mom who was into health and wellness long before it became popular. This likely influenced Lisa to embrace Reiki when a friend introduced her to it.
Reiki and Dr. Oz make the New York Times Magazine
Many years ago, I first heard about Reiki being used in the operating room at N Y Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital with the noted heart surgeon. I kid my Reiki students that I knew about Dr. Oz way before Oprah!
In 1995 the New York Times Magazine wrote an article “The Experiments of Dr. Oz”:
Reiki Master, Julie Motz’s first appearance in the OR was by invitation from Dr. Oz. It most likely was the first time a Reiki Practitioner was in a hospital OR. Ms. Motz had volunteered at the Rosenthal’s Cardiac Complementary Care Center. Dr. Oz was involved at this center because he was interested in bringing a human dimension to the care of patients.
Dr. Oz Introduces his audience to Reiki
Now let’s fast – forward to 2012. Dr. Oz, in a show dedicated to complimentary health, showed a demonstration of a Reiki session. This was a ground-breaking, historical moment for Reiki. With an average viewership of four million, this helped introduce many people to Reiki. I personally was a bit disappointed in the explanation and presentation, but was happy to see it shared on national television.
“I know firsthand the amazing miracles we can achieve with modern Western medicine,” Oz said on an episode of his program, “but I also know that for centuries, people around the world have developed alternative therapies to treat the body, mind, and the soul.”
More coverage for Reiki and Dr. Oz
Shortly after the show aired, the International Association of Reiki Practitioners chronicled this momentous occasion in their magazine:
I leave you with this final thought from Dr. Oz:
Dr. Oz embraces Reiki
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