A Recent Confirmation of Reiki going Mainstream
Recently a student who had recently taken Level I training came in for a Reiki session. She told me that she has been giving Reiki treatments to many of her clients. I asked her what field she was in expecting to hear something to do with health care. Surprisingly she said accounting! I thought to myself wow Reiki is really going mainstream!
A few months ago, a mother and daughter came to my Healing Circle. The daughter found out about Reiki when she had a psychic reading. She was hesitant to tell her mom about Reiki and the Healing Circle, but did. Her mom jumped at the chance to come. She had been wanting to try Reiki since she heard about it on a cable TV show! Another example of Reiki going mainstream!
The beginning of Reiki going Mainstream
In fact Reiki has been going mainstream for the last number of years. We have Dr. Memhet Oz to thank for this. Dr. Oz introduced Reiki to his operating room in 1995 at NY Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. I write about this in one of my past blog posts: https://reikinewyork.com/reiki-and-dr-oz-have-a-long-history/
In 2010 Dr. OZ introduced millions of people to Reiki on his television show :http://www.dragonflyreiki.net/2010/01/dr-oz-endorses-reiki-healing/ .Dr. Oz has continued to talk about Reiki on his show over the years and no wonder his wife Lisa is a Reiki Master!
Other indications of Reiki Going Mainstream
Another sign of Reiki going mainstream is coverage in many newspapers and magazines: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/reiki-goes-mainstream-spiritual-touch-practice-now-commonplace-in-hospitals/2014/05/16/9e92223a-dd37-11e3-a837-8835df6c12c4_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.30d85bcae79f.
According to the article “Like acupuncture, yoga and other once fringe practices, Reiki is now viewed by many as an effective, accepted alternative practice in mainstream America, where at least 1.2 million adults have tried the energy healing therapy.”
Another article in Vanity Fair magazine talks about Reiki going mainstream:
‘Her first Reiki session, she recalls, “was the first time I felt any sort of relief in months. I felt so deeply connected.” Within a few months, Reiki “subtly changed my life,” says Eichen, calming her nerves and helping to make her a more confident and assertive person. . . .Few, if any of these forms of holistic healing—Reiki, meditation, crystal therapy, flower essences—are new. Some, like meditation, are ancient. But instead of being roundly dismissed as hocus-pocus (or flat-out bullshit), they’re being embraced by the mainstream, due in large part to the anxiety of living in a post-9/11, war-on-terror, economic collapsing, partisan-gridlocked government climate.” https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2015/09/reiki-crystals-flower-essence-holistic-medicine-mainstream
How wonderful that the word about Reiki is spreading rapidly and helping many people!
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